Notes from Emacs Asia-Pacific (APAC) virtual meetup, March 2021
These are the notes from Emacs Asia-Pacific (APAC) meetup happened on March 27, 2021.
R studio / R with Emacs, reproducible research
Literate configuration / Org babel blocks
SQL babel blocks (single session for all blocks)
Doom Emacs on Windows
Personal wiki based on Org
- Org Rome, Org Deft
- Using grep, ag, silversearcher.
- [yantar92] using # appended words as keywords, use org-ql, and then Helm to perform actions on those Org entries.
Committing the Org files to source control
- Using Org habit to review and commit them daily.
- [yantar92] auto commit function to be ran in git status buffer:
Artist mode
Org habits / clocking / time graphs
Logging state changes, notes etc
(setq org-log-state-notes-insert-after-drawers t)
Navigating to buffers, window configurations
Helm mini:
Using tabs as workspaces.
;; Show projectile files in helm mini (setq helm-mini-default-sources '(helm-source-buffers-list helm-source-projectile-dired-files-list helm-source-projectile-files-list helm-source-recentf helm-source-buffer-not-found))
Credits: A, archgaelix, bhavin192, EvilRocks, mbuf, meain, yantar92.